Using Questions to Increase Social Engagement?

 In General

gfs00263One of the easiest ways to create engagement is to use questions in your posts.

A question is a call to action and that tugs on people’s desire to contribute to you community. The questions can be good, funny or smart … so they may relate directly to your industry or niche, or they may be very general questions about favourite holidays, cities, foods etc.

How We Use Questions

In a recent page we were were managing, we wanted to increase the organic engagement with our posts so we simply began asking questions every Sunday afternoon. Sundays are a relaxing time for most and the atmosphere is casual. We chose this time because we wanted our community to have time to answer the question and to put some thought into their responses.

We started with some very relaxed questions about holiday locations (it was coming up to Easter) and over a few weeks worked up to asking for tips about our service various things and culminating in “What is one thing we could change to make your course experience better?”

The series of posts saw a definite increase in the likes and comments, and helped our community to get to know some more things about each other. People connected with each other when they agreed (or disagreed) and towards the end we gained valuable service information from our community to improve the business immediately.

Each week on a Wednesday or Thursday following, we would post a graphic with the summary of the TOP5 responses for each question to reinforce the fact that we WERE listening to the community and that it wasn’t just a stunt. Later when we acted on some community suggestions, we were sure to point out that the page had influenced the world they live in and that we were always looking to improve based on community feedback.

SO, are you using questions to engage your community? Good Funny Smart have a questions pack coming soon. We will be sure to let you know when its ready!

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